Decided to void the warranty of my small quadcopter and apply some “improvements” on it. Originally it comes with the green lights facing back and the red ones facing front I don’t know it just annoys me and sometimes I just think it’s in the inverse direction (maybe because the rear lights of the cars are red). Lack of experience I guess… So decided to change that. So for that we need to change the color covers and also the leds itself, since they are color leds. Because the wires are short to just move the leds to the opposite opposite position, I had to unsolder them and solder in the opposite directions of the board. While I was at it, decided also to make a small antenna improvement (just double the original length of the antenna). Also putting it a bit outside is said to improve a bit the quality of the reception.
Next is a remote control antenna improvement and then finally a proper distance test to see how much it improved.