I’m not entirely sure why I keep updating this old printer, but here it is — another round of improvements for the Anycubic Delta Plus!
This time, I added an external heated bed and a separate power supply to ensure there’s enough power for both the heatbed and the nozzle. I also updated the firmware to Marlin 2.1.x to enable the heated bed and the newer code improvements.
While I was at it, I installed a cooling tunnel for the stepper controllers and added buttons to control the Raspberry Pi Zero and the lights.
Additionally, I upgraded to a Raspberry Pi Zero W 2 and printed some fresh, shiny 3D parts on the Kobra 3 to complete the setup.
In the near future, I might also swap out the nozzle for an old E3D V6 I have lying around from the UltiCampy printer that was never finished as well as add a fillament sensor in order to pause the prints when the fillament is out.